Saturday, March 14, 2009

The Truth About Your Heart! ; ) ...... a kid's point of view!

I found this info on the National Geographic website for kid's (and the picture...cute eh?) I posted a little blurb about... where is our heart at really? Due to popular beliefs...many people (child and adult!) think that the heart is on the left side of our chest....! While we do have a 'left side of the heart'..our heart is centered right smack dab in the middle of our chest.....hence, the healing phrase...'heart center.'

Where is my heart???
In the United States children are taught to place their hands over their hearts when pledging allegiance to the flag. Most people have heard that the heart is on the left side of the chest. In reality, the heart is in the middle of the chest, tucked snugly between the two lungs.

How fast does my heart pump my blood???
"Each living part of the body needs blood to live, and that's why it's important for the blood to go to different parts of the body," DiBianco said.

When you're exercising, it takes your blood about ten seconds to get from your heart to your big toe and back. In fact, a kid's heart has to push blood through about 60,000 miles (96,560 kilometers) of blood vessels—that's long enough to circle the Earth two and a half times!

And remember the heart beats 100,000 times a make every beat count!

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