Monday, March 16, 2009

Traveling The Femoral Artery~ one way ticket!

The femoral artery is the artery that was traveled when Dr. Charros installed my stent on the back right side of my heart. He placed a catheter in the artery on the right hip or pelvic area and pushed the stent up to the heart to clear the blockage in my artery which caused the myocardial infarction (heart attack). I was awake during this procedure. He did this non-evasive surgery through a television monitor.
I was given some drugs that made my heart feel like it was going to jump right through my chest. This drug(if i recall I believe was an anti-platelette drug) speeds up the heart and is neccessary for this procedure. It as quite an experience and I saw my heart on that screen. It was amazing! I love my heart!

The above picture shows the femiral artery and how it is a direct shot to the heart!

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